Friendly work environment tops career priority list; female university students expect 30% less salary than male counterparts - Universum study 2023-07-20 16:30
Singapore's future professional workforce still prioritize a good work-life balance but have concerns about too much remote work - Universum survey reveals 2023-06-27 12:46
Young Filipino talent say professional training and development is their top career priority upon graduation 2022-11-10 14:00
Salary and benefits tops career priority list; Google and PTT retain their positions as most desirable employers in Thailand 2022-10-20 13:00
Indian university students ranked high future earnings as No.1 career priority; EY (Ernst & Young) voted as most attractive place to work among business talent. 2022-09-08 14:15
Flexibility, work environment and base salary all trend upwards as graduate preferences in Singapore shift due to the pandemic. 2022-07-13 11:30
Australian Graduates Want Employers Who Offer Secure Careers And Who Can Set Them Up For Higher Future Earnings 2021-09-14 09:00
Research by Universum Reveals That Young Filipino Talent Favour Employers who Offer Professional Training & Development and Respect Their People 2021-08-26 15:00
Survey Finds that Graduates in India Prioritize Employers who Offer a Friendly Working Environment and a Path To High Future Earnings 2021-08-11 14:30