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About Worldwide Business Research (WBR) <\/b><\/p> \n

WBR is the world's biggest large-scale conference company and part of the PLS group, one of the world's leading providers of strategic business intelligence with 16 offices worldwide. Our conference divisions consistently out-perform their industry sector competitors on the quality of the events we produce and the relationships we nurture with both delegates and sponsors. to learn more visit www.wbresearch.com<\/a>, or call us at +65-<\/span>6722-<\/span>9455.<\/p> \n

Contact: Dhiraj Bhanushali<\/span>
Tel. +65-<\/span>6722-<\/span>9455
Dhiraj.Bhanushali@iqpc.com.sg<\/a> <\/p>"]; $("#dvExtra").html(content_array[0]);})();