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About TIMEZ5<\/strong><\/p>\r\n

TIMEZ5™ is the world's first health and wellness company addressing Muslim lifestyle needs through innovation. Its flagship product is the world's first physiological prayer and meditation mat. <\/p>\r\n

The TIMEZ5™ development philosophy embraces physio-spiritual experiences at its core by combining physiological benefits with spiritual devotion.<\/p>\r\n

TIMEZ5 LABS™ blend the world of ancient medicine, leading technology and inspiring design to address lifestyle challenges. TIMEZ5™ is a global company headquartered in Canada, with operations in the Middle East and Southeast Asia.<\/p>\r\n

For more information:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n

http:\/\/www.timez5.com<\/a><\/p>"]; $("#dvExtra").html(content_array[0]);})();