(function(){ var content_array=["

About IE.:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n

IE.- Innovation Enterprise is an independent business-to-business multi-channel media brand focused on the information needs of Senior Finance, Operations, Planning, Strategy, Decision Support & Advanced Analytics executives.<\/p>\r\n

Products include IE.Summits, IE.Finance, IE.Analytics, IE.Operations, IE.Strategy, IE.Membership and IE.Insights.<\/p>\r\n

Whether it's delivered online, or in person, everything IE produces reflects the company's unshakeable belief in the power of information to spur innovation.<\/p>\r\n

Media Contact:<\/p>\r\n

Linyan Duan<\/p>\r\n

+852-8124-1228<\/p>"]; $("#dvExtra").html(content_array[0]);})();