
G2A.COM and US President Barack Obama Were Present During South By South West (SXSW) 2016 Festival in Austin, Texas, USA
2016-03-21 10:30 3891

RZESZÓW, Poland, LONDON and HONG KONG, March 21, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- The South by South West (SXSW) 2016 Festival is enjoying its 30th anniversary and celebrated with major keynote speakers such as the President of the United States, Barack Obama and First Lady, Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama gave an inspirational opening keynote speech at SXSW Music where she spoke about the importance of education for girls: "At SXSW sitting on this stage are a group of women who care deeply about girls' education. I'm proud to be a part of it." She added: "Change that happens, happens on the ground: it happens from the bottom up."

Barack Obama opened the SXSW Interactive Keynote on March 11, 2016 saying: "This gathering, SXSW, brings together people who are on the cutting edge."

G2A.COM is partnered with the SXSW Gaming Awards event which will take place on 19th of March, 2016 in Austin, Texas. Developers, publishers, e-Sport teams and online personalities will have a chance to win in one of the 21 categories voted for by their fans. Representation from such a range of gaming professionals is indicative of the fact that the Gaming Industry is now said to be worth more than $91 Billion US.

Co-founder and CEO of G2A.COM Bartosz Skwarczek said: "G2A are thrilled to be part of SXSW, a gathering of hundreds of thousands of attendees who are passionate about Music, Film, Technology and Gaming."  He added: "It's a real high point, and inspiring for G2A to see such world leaders giving their time to support and develop young talent." The Early History of G2A.

With the aim of supporting the impressive work of publishers and developers, G2A.COM are offering exclusive G2A Gift Cards, also known as 'G2A Awards' to all the attendees of the SXSW Gaming Awards.

The SXSW Gaming Awards opening ceremony will be open to the public, with G2A.COM and other major gaming brands in attendance. G2A has recently participated and contributed strongly in 5 other major shows in 2016 such as: DICE, Casual Connect, Intel Extreme Masters Katowice, G2A is Now in Katowice for Intel Extreme Masters (IEM) Finals 2016 Gaming Istanbul (GIST), G2A CEO Officially Opens GITS Gaming Istanbul 2016  and Taipei Game Show. G2A Officially Opens Taipei Game Show 2016    

The SXSW Gaming Expo will feature the e-Sport tournament 'Battle of the Five Gods', which will attract major Smash players from around the world to compete for the $25,000 US prize. Attendees will also be able to attend discussion panels and other attractions for free.

For those gamers who aren't able to attend the award ceremony, the whole opening event will be available to watch live online at:



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