
Avnet partners with Fusionex to broaden GIANT's distribution network

2014-05-19 08:00 1321

LONDON, May 19, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Fusionex, a multi-award winning software provider listed on the London Stock Exchange which specialises in Analytics and Big Data, and Avnet, a fortune 500 group listed on the New York Stock Exchange, have commenced a significant technology partnership to make Fusionex GIANT more accessible to organisations across the globe. Through this strategic partnership which forms part of Fusionex's partner channel network, Avnet is able to leverage of Fusionex's expertise and know-how particularly in the field of business intelligence (BI), analytics and Big Data. In turn, Fusionex will be able to leverage on Avnet's vast distribution network, with Avnet committed to promote and resell Fusionex GIANT.

Avnet is one of the largest distributors of computer products serving customers globally and hence provides a vital link in the technology supply chain. In addition to its core distribution services, Avnet brings a breadth and depth of service capabilities, including device programming, computer system configuration and integration, and technical seminars. Its business encompasses more than 700 suppliers and more than 100,000 customers worldwide.

This partnership will see a jointly beneficial approach where both parties will be able to bundle their respective products and packages, thus eliminating the need for quality assurance where end users are concerned, providing them with the peace of mind that the bundled package product including hardware would be jointly certified by Fusionex and Avnet.

"We see an immense explosion of interest in Big Data in ASEAN lately. With Fusionex's established branding and strong reputation in this region coupled with its pedigree in the big data analytics arena, we firmly believe that Fusionex is best placed to exploit the massive Big Data opportunities, especially in the rapidly growing Asia Pacific market," said Chiew Yue Lam, GM for Avnet. "We are very excited and we are confident that this partnership will prove to be a powerhouse in ASEAN that reaches out to a wider audience."

"Avnet is a world renowned and a key distributor that we work with, and this partnership strengthens our relationship and brings forth a new era," said Elwin Lim, Fusionex Vice President. "Through this strategic partnership, we see a multiplying effect that will benefit both parties in a synergistic manner; but more importantly, we see the entire user experience for GIANT will be simplified through the bundling of our software and Avnet's products to allow for seamless integration and certification."

Source: Fusionex