
CreditEase's CEO Ning Tang Attends UN's STI Forum

2017-05-22 11:56 2481

BEIJING, May 22, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- CreditEase and Huawei represented China as industry leaders at the second annual Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum for SDGs) held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, on May 15 and 16, 2017. Frederick Musiiwa Makamure Shava, President of The United Nations Economic and Social Council, gave introductory remarks. Peter Thomson, President of the General Assembly, and Thomas Gass, Assistant Secretary General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs, United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs, gave opening statements. Bill Gates, Co-Chair of Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation and Co-Founder of Microsoft, greeted the attendees in a video message.

The STI Forum for SDGs is an integral part of the United Nations' "Technology Facilitation Mechanism" (TFM), launched through paragraph 70 of the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". The forum's mission is to facilitate multi-stakeholder collaboration and partnerships through the sharing of information, experiences, best practices and policy advice among Member States, civil society, the private sector, the scientific community, United Nations entities and other stakeholders.

CreditEase's founder and CEO Ning Tang spoke at the special event on "Scaling up STI for SDGs: Impact Investing and Other Innovative Instruments" regarding the effect of financial services in innovation and socioeconomic growth: "The traditional financial system lacks inclusivity -- small businesses, micro-entrepreneurs, and rural farmers are frequently left out. The advent of FinTech has facilitated the cost-efficient coverage of these previously neglected demographics. As innovative payment and marketplace lending gradually mature, we are now witnessing the ascendance of a new, fast-growing, and vital line of credit for a greater number of borrowers."

Looking ahead to the future development of FinTech, Tang named crowdfunding, insurance tech, robo-advisor, and blockchain as spaces to watch. Tang lauded China as a leader in many aspects of FinTech, and called having the industry and regulators working together closely a great boon for balancing innovation and sustainability and for the cross-pollination of sound financial services and innovation.

The special event was chaired by Dr. Alfred Watkins of Global Innovation Summit. Those in attendance included Dr. Jeremy Farrar of Wellcome Trust, Julie McBride of MSA Worldwide, and Chris Hauselmann of GCCA.

About CreditEase:

CreditEase is a leading FinTech company in China, specializing in inclusive finance and wealth management. With continuous efforts to explore payment, marketplace lending, crowdfunding, robo-advisor, insurance tech, blockchain and other frontiers, CreditEase actively engages with global FinTech innovation through business incubation and investment. Better tech, better finance, better world.

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Source: CreditEase