
Expansion of Fusionex GIANT's Reach as Fusionex Announces Partnership with Mesiniaga

2015-04-30 08:00 2605

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, April 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Fusionex, a multi-award winning software provider listed on the London Stock Exchange and specializing in Analytics & Big Data and Mesiniaga, today announced a significant partnership to broaden the distribution network of Fusionex Insights (GIANT), making it more accessible to clients across various industries.

From Left: Mohamed Fitri, Managing Director of Mesiniaga, shaking hands with Fusionex Managing Director Ivan Teh, at the Partnership Officiating Ceremony at the Fusionex office in Kuala Lumpur
From Left: Mohamed Fitri, Managing Director of Mesiniaga, shaking hands with Fusionex Managing Director Ivan Teh, at the Partnership Officiating Ceremony at the Fusionex office in Kuala Lumpur

Mesiniaga is Malaysia's leading ICT solutions provider and systems integrator listed on the Main Market of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (Bursa Malaysia). Initially established in 1981, the company now provides and distributes a range of ICT solutions and services.

This strategic alliance enables Fusionex to leverage on Mesiniaga's extensive distribution network, with Mesiniaga committed to promoting and reselling Fusionex Insights (GIANT), a comprehensive Big Data offering specifically designed to derive the full value of transforming voluminous data into actionable insights that will lead to better informed decision making by organizations.

"Mesiniaga has realigned our business, incorporating analytics as part of our portfolio," said Mohamed Fitri, Managing Director for Mesiniaga when approached to comment on the new partnership. "We see Fusionex as being very established in business analytics, proven by Mesiniaga's substantial investment injected into their Big Data and analytics software [GIANT]. We are very honored and proud to partner with Fusionex, creating a very unique platform of collaboration, where this synergy would drive the development of business analytics and Big Data for our customers."

"We are delighted to welcome Mesiniaga on board as a Fusionex Premier Partner," said Fusionex Managing Director, Ivan Teh. "The Fusionex-Mesiniaga partnership is important and exciting, as together, both companies will drive the proliferation of Fusionex Insights (GIANT) across Mesiniaga's strong distribution network. We are confident that Mesiniaga's impressive track record, coupled with their strong leadership team, will drive Fusionex Insights (GIANT) forward in the markets and areas that they focus on and towards greater success for both organizations."

About Mesiniaga

Mesiniaga is Malaysia's leading ICT solutions provider and systems integrator listed on the main board of Bursa Malaysia. Initially established in 1981 to serve as IBM's sole agent and dealer, the company has now evolved into an independent business solutions provider. Mesiniaga, provides a range of ICT solutions and services and is supported by many internationally renowned technology partners.

The company's mission is to help customers succeed. As such, technology is used as an enabler in improving business performance and the company's main aim is to maximize customer's returns on ICT investments. We also provide the best of breed business answers meant to empower client's productivity, competitive advantage and profitability.

For more information, please visit our website at

About Fusionex

Fusionex is an established multi-award winning international provider of software solutions, specializing in Business Intelligence, Analytics and Big Data. Its offerings are focused on helping clients manage, understand and derive value and insights from data.

With a presence in Asia, Europe and the United States, coupled with its diversified clientele hailing from numerous sectors and industries, Fusionex's deep domain knowledge with diversification across multiple sectors and verticals flows through to its comprehensive capabilities of its software.

To learn more about Fusionex, visit

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Source: Fusionex