
Fusionex Honored as One of the Top Most Promising Big Data Providers in 2015

2015-11-23 08:00 1514

LONDON, Nov. 23, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- California-based CIO Review has, in its Big Data Special publication, featured Fusionex International plc (Fusionex), a software vendor at the forefront of tackling Big Data challenges, as one of the Most Promising Big Data Solution Providers in the World for 2015.

The Intelligent Data Management Platform offered by London Stock Exchange listed Fusionex International plc, and how well it has helped clients around the world, has further cemented the software company's stature within the international IT sphere, resulting in its being featured by the CIO Review.

CIO Review is a technology magazine which explores revolutionary solutions that power forward-thinking businesses. CIO Review notes the uphill task of analyzing data and converting it into useful information. The prominent tech magazine recognized how critical it is for Chief Information Officers (CIOs) to select the best vendors that are at the forefront of tackling Big Data issues.

After the initial teething period of appreciating the value of Big Data and being convinced to take advantage of it, companies the world over are now struggling to utilize Big Data Analytics to make effective and lasting improvements to their work processes in order to derive tangible value that can propel their businesses to greater heights.

Fusionex's user friendly solution, Fusionex Insights (GIANT), was identified because of its ability to offer businesses the opportunity to visualize and understand their data better in a user-friendly, humanized manner. Providing a streamlined approach to processing data, GIANT uses a "plug-and-play" method linking multiple data sources without requiring additional software.

With its ability to consolidate myriads of data, Fusionex GIANT crunches the numbers and provides its business users the results of variables such as the identifying of customer purchasing trends, avoidable costs due to wastage, and understanding how location and seasonal factors affect one's business.

To help CIO Review achieve their objective of identifying high-performing Big Data solution providers, a panel of notable chief executive officers (CEOs), CIOs and analysts were identified to facilitate in this exercise alongside the CIO Review editorial board.

The CIO Review features companies and how their products work in the real world, so that its readers can gain an extensive understanding on the relevant solutions and how they stack up against the competition.

Low productivity and ineffective processes can lead to an escalation in costs while the slow generation of reports can result in missed business opportunities. This is problematic especially in today's fast-moving world of ubiquitous internet connections.

All these are looking to be a thing of the past as Fusionex GIANT offers the most comprehensive Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics product in the market. With a simple-to-use drag-and-drop feature, people of all skill levels are able to use GIANT to analyse their data.

The ability for ordinary business users to access such a quantity of information in such a user-friendly package cannot be understated.

Per the CIO Review, "It has become critical for the CIOs to choose proper technology and select best vendors that are at the forefront of effectively tackling the impediments across the Big Data realm. …We believe this information will help you while you make Big Data strategies for your organization." 

Source: Fusionex