
Fusionex Wins Coveted Award at Asia Pacific's Premier ICT Event

2013-12-03 07:00 4935

HONG KONG, Dec. 3, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Fusionex (LSE:FXI) dazzled its audience as it fought its way to the top to be crowned overall winner at the prestigious Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Awards for the highly coveted Best Application Tools / Platform category, at the 13th APICTA summit which took place recently between the 24th to the 27th of November 2013 in Hong Kong.

Ivan Teh, Fusionex Managing Director, receiving the APICTA Award for Best Application Tools at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Ivan Teh, Fusionex Managing Director, receiving the APICTA Award for Best Application Tools at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

APICTA is arguably the largest ICT alliance in Asia Pacific, currently comprising of more than 15 key member economies including Australia, Brunei, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Macao, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, etc. This year's APICTA summit received more than 220 nominations for the awards from across Asia Pacific; it also saw 2 new economies, namely mainland China and Taiwan joining the fray.

The 2013 APICTA Awards consisted of 13 categories from which winners were announced, including Best E-Learning, Industrial Applications, Sustainability & Environmental Technology (Green IT), etc. The Best Application Tools and Platforms category, which Fusionex was nominated for and won, was a hotly contested category, not least because it was a category which the top Analytics and Big Data players would be eligible to be nominated for and compete in. Its emphasis is on the provision of the means to enhance the operation of IT systems, and productivity improvement of users using the software. In order to win, Fusionex was required to prove that its software is capable of satisfying the following non-exhaustive criteria over and above other nominated products:

  • The retrieval, organization, management and manipulation of data and databases, including large unstructured (i.e. complex) data sets
  • Increase in the efficiency of systems or personnel through system performance measurement
  • Decision support and executive information
  • Virtualization facilities

When approached on their latest win, Fusionex Managing Director Ivan Teh commented,"Fusionex was nominated in an extremely competitive category where the most innovative solutions were presented, but through it all, we believe that the sheer comprehensiveness and unique capabilities of our software to deal with Analytics and Big Data coupled with its ease-of-use resulted in our software winning the day."

Continued Teh, "It has been a grueling 2 months leading to the APICTA summit, where our software was demonstrated and scrutinized on many occasions and at different levels before we appeared for the final judging. This win not only recognizes our product pedigree but the creative caliber and commitment of the Fusionex team as well, without which winning this award would not have been possible."    

The main objectives of the APICTA awards are to recognize the leading ICT innovators, entrepreneurs and companies within the Asia Pacific region, providing a platform for regional ICT players to benchmark their products and solutions. Now in its' 13th year, the APICTA Awards participants boast of high quality products of exceptional standards, where only the best and most innovative products are chosen as winning products. It is the most prestigious and highly rated ICT awards in Asia Pacific.

Teh also added, "Winning this award is indeed timely as it has opened the door to numerous opportunities and possible collaborations because there is a significant demand in this region where Analytics and Big Data are concerned. We are indeed honored to win this award and look forward to working with organizations on their Analytics and Big Data initiatives."

The winners of the APICTA Awards 2013 were announced at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre during the prestigious Awards Presentation Ceremony cum Gala Dinner held on 27 November 2013.

Source: Fusionex
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