
Greenpeace and WWF at Global Tissue Sustainability Summit

2013-09-26 20:24 1728

Global Tissue Sustainability Summit with Retailers, Manufacturers, Suppliers and NGOs is new feature at Tissue World Miami conference next March 18-21 2014.

NEW YORK, Sept. 26, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Miami Beach . . . Environmental impact and Sustainability matters regarding tissue paper products are rapidly rising on the radar screen of consumers and environmental groups, as well as tissue retailers, distributors and manufacturers. This is because the three most important raw materials, wood fibers, energy, and water, are natural resources that are scarce and have even led to armed conflicts.


To examine numerous angles of these issues in depth, Tissue World in Miami will for the first time ever include the new Global Tissue Sustainability Summit, which will include speeches and panel discussions with sustainability executives and directors from leading retailers and manufacturers, as well as campaign leaders from Greenpeace and WWF.

While the tissue industry for the most part has a very strong environmental record it can be proud of, fibers sourcing has been a hot topic as NGOs such as Greenpeace and WWF have in recent years carried out high-impact, high-profile campaigns against sourcing practices they feel are irresponsible. Environmental issues have become a high priority for many progressive retailers, manufacturers and raw material suppliers, who see them much more as a business opportunity to profit from, rather than a threat to ignore and suppress.

Part of new focus on sales channels, retailers and distribution

The Global Tissue Sustainability Summit will be part of a new feature at Tissue World called the Tissue Retailers and Distributors Insight Forum, TRIF. Within 2 weeks of announcing TRIF, preregistrations have already come in from several dozen of the world's leading tissue retailers and distributors. This means in addition to the 300-400 tissue manufacturing people that typically attend the conference, an estimated 50-60 key players in the retail and distribution sales channels from both North and Latin America, as well as Europe and Asia will also be attending. Likewise a much larger number of sales and marketing professionals from tissue manufacturing companies are expected.

In addition to the Global Tissue Sustainability Summit, other timely topics at TRIF include:

  • Brands and Private Label: What Strategies are Best?
  • New Sources of Supply in the Americas and Changes in the Supply/Demand Balance
  • New Product Innovations both Big and Small
  • Evolving Consumer/Household Needs and Trends and Implications for Tissue
  • New Tissue Making and Converting Technology Approaching TAD Quality

To register for Tissue World, TRIF and the Global Tissue Sustainability Summit, go to

Source: Tissue World - UBM