
Itausa and Itau Unibanco Banco Multiplo Announce Apimec Meeting

Banco Itau Holding Financeira S/A
2008-12-02 00:49 2658

SAO PAULO, Brazil, Dec. 2 /PRNewswire-Aisa/ -- The Executive Boards of Itausa -- Investimentos Itau S.A. and Itau Unibanco Banco Multiplo S.A. are pleased to extend this invitation to the presentations they will make to members of the Association of Capital Markets Analysts and Investment Professionals, shareholders and any other interested parties.

Date: December 9, 2008

Place: Buffet Rosa Rosarum

Rua Francisco Leitao, 416 -- Pinheiros -- Sao Paulo -- Capital

Please confirm your attendance: 0800-770-1979

Valet parking available

Videos of these events will be posted on the following web sites:; and .

10:30 a.m. Registration

11:10 a.m. Introduction - Itausa S.A.

11:20 a.m. Itausa S.A.

-- Henri Penchas, Member of the Disclosure and Insider Trading Committee

-- Ricardo Setubal, Investor Relations Director - Itautec

-- Plinio do Amaral Pinheiro, Investor Relations Director - Duratex

-- Reinaldo Rubbi, Investor Relations Director - Elekeiroz

1:30 p.m. Lunch

3:00 p.m. Itau Unibanco Banco Multiplo S.A.

-- Pedro Moreira Salles, Chairman of the Board of Directors

-- Roberto Setubal, Chief Executive Officer

Cocktails will be served after the event.

The carbon emissions from this event will be neutralized.

Source: Banco Itau Holding Financeira S/A