
Maxthon 3.0 Dual Display Engine Web Browser Released

2010-09-03 18:46 1521
The End of 'This site best viewed in IE'

    SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 3 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- 

    And one browser to render them all. Render websites, that is...even sites optimized for IE 6. Today, Maxthon bridges old and new (while making your web experience A LOT faster) with the release of Maxthon 3: the industry's first browser to use a dual rendering engine architecture that identifies and quickly displays websites using the best engine for the site, WebKit or Trident.

    In addition to the twin jets of WebKit and Trident, the new Maxthon 3 adds afterburners to its already lightning fast speed by using the V8 javascript engine. Independent speed tests are in and the results are clear: no web browser can display as many different types of websites as fast as Maxthon 3. 

    "This version of our browser is like a muscle car built for power and speed," said Maxthon founder and CEO Jeff Chen, "We went back to the basics with this product and created something you can't get anywhere else." 

    Even with the strong focus on its core power, speed and flexibility, Maxthon 3 also comes with a suite of re-tooled community favorite features like:

    -- Online Favorites, History and Browser Settings - MX3 stores your 
       favorites and browser settings securely in the cloud for use from any 
       machine with Maxthon on it, anywhere. 
    -- Surf By Mouse - Tie and trigger a number browser commands to quick 
       mouse cursor actions. Want 'BACK?' Move your cursor left 2 inches. 
    -- Smart Address Bar - MX3 remembers and suggests URLS based on your 
       favorites and browsing activity. Get where you're going quickly.
    -- Magic Fill - Securely save and manage your growing collection of 
       website usernames and passwords and let MX3 log you in to any site. 
    Chen, team Maxthon and 1000s of members of the Maxthon community released the browser today after nearly a year of public beta testing. Other browsers have experimented with combining Trident and WebKit, but Maxthon 3 is the first browser to successfully join the engines so that the browser can slip automatically from one engine to the other as the need arises. 

    "Using Trident and WebKit is new territory," Says Chen. "We wouldn't be here today without the Maxthon community. They made it happen and it's only the beginning. In the coming months we will be redefining the concept of an Internet Browser." 

    Maxthon 3 will be the basis for an ever expanding suite of products and platforms now in development at Maxthon. 

    With MX3 out, Chen says the next step in the journey requires hearing from the Maxthon community about where they want MX3 to go. "We kept the feature set for this release simple and straight to the point for a reason: we want our community to help decide what to port from MX2 and what new features to build." 

    To that end, Chen and the team have created an online survey and encourage Maxthon members (old and new) to help shape the next generation of the web - from the desktop and beyond. 

    Want to shape the next generation of web browsers? Participate in this survey:
Source: Maxthon