
Revolution Analytics Partners Fusionex to Provide the R-Factor for GIANT

2014-03-18 08:00 2426

LONDON, March 18, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Fusionex, a multi-award winning software provider specialising in Analytics and Big Data, and Revolution Analytics, a world-class provider of enterprise R in the Big Data space, announced a significant technology partnership to make R-based predictive analytics more accessible and scalable for enterprises via Fusionex GIANT. This strategic partnership will see synergistic cross-referrals between the parties which will increase the exposure to available clientele. By integrating and combining the production-ready Revolution R Enterprise programming platform with Fusionex's flagship Big Data Analytics product (GIANT), organisations will be able to obtain faster and more accurate predictive analytics whilst avoiding or reducing the time and cost impacts of the complexity surrounding 'R' and Big Data.

What is R?

R is world's most widely used statistics programming language. It's the # 1 choice of data scientists and supported by a vibrant and talented community of contributors. R is taught in universities and deployed in mission critical business applications.

How does Enterprise 'R' fit into 'GIANT'?

GIANT's integration with 'R' opens the door to a much wider audience where GIANT intends to simplify the entire user experience not only for data scientists familiar with 'R' but also for end-users who don't have 'R' skills. GIANT will encapsulate Revolution 'R' and provide last-mile Big Data solutions and comprehensive advance analytics which will benefit end-customers and end-users from a cost, ease-of-use and value perspective.

Moving forward, the partnership between Revolution Analytics and Fusionex will see businesses given the opportunity to utilise Hadoop and 'Enterprise R' through GIANT, coupled with the requisite highly scalable processing and distribution capabilities to handle vast amounts of structured and unstructured data in a user-friendly manner.

Fusionex's GIANT as well as its expertise in Big Data Analytics makes it possible to simplify the usage of Hadoop to derive business value from virtually any Data, transforming data into useful information and actionable insights. Revolution Analytics' R Enterprise in turn brings to Fusionex a powerful programming suite to broaden R adoption for big data analytics.

Via this new partnership, data scientists and users alike will be able to leverage on the user-friendly environment provided by Fusionex GIANT to build and derive R-based analytics, with the scalability of Revolution Analytics' R Enterprise being an asset towards the partnership.

Both companies view this as a key strategic partnership where Fusionex will be able to leverage on Revolution Analytics' comprehensive predictive analytics capabilities, whilst Fusionex's increasingly strong foothold in the Asia Pacific and other regions will see Revolution Analytics' exposure increase significantly. Both companies will expect to see cross referrals and a wider clientele and this move is a poignant one, taking place in line with Fusionex's earlier highlighted plans to establish its partner channel network.

"Modern day businesses are constantly searching for user-friendly yet powerful advance analytics to improve their businesses," said Edward Lim, Fusionex Regional Director for Asia Pacific. "Revolution's 'R' is a leading, widely recognised statistics and advance analytics programming platform, and that is why we chose to work with Revolution. We are thrilled with this newfound Fusionex-Revolution Analytics partnership, which we are confident will increase the understanding of the vast capabilities of predictive analytics among our joint customers. Importantly, we want to simplify the entire user experience and make this available via GIANT and this partnership."

"Big Data requires Big Analytics. It is a radically new way of performing analytics which breaks the legacy methods [including infrastructure and software] built 40 years ago that were not meant for Big Data. Revolution R Enterprise (RRE) is a modern platform based on the popular R language which is considered to be the standard for analytics today," said Laurence Liew, GM (APAC), Revolution Analytics. "Fusionex's regional leadership in Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics lends itself as an excellent partner of Revolution Analytics. We are very excited with this partnership and are confident that it will accelerate the adoption of Revolution and Fusionex's products and solutions in the region."

Source: Fusionex
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