
Suggestions for Successful Mobile Search Marketing from SooBest

2013-03-20 10:39 1856

NEW YORK, March 20, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- According to data from search engine service providers, mobile's cost per click (CPC) is 30% lower than that for computers, but it has a click-through rate (CTR) five times higher. This data provides a strong basis as to why online B2C SooBest, which furnishes a wide range of products such as fashionable women's clothing, men's clothing, digital watches, charm jewelry and more, advises search marketers to consider a separate search strategy for searches done beyond the desktop.

Here are some suggestions from SooBest on how to maximize search value:

  1. Google AdWords' interface can tell a user which clicks originate from mobile devices and which come from desktop searches, such as notebooks or PCs. If more than 10% of the traffic comes from mobile devices, it can be considered a mobile search strategy on its own.
  2. Google allows developing specific goals based on a specific device, operating system, etc. This point is important because the experience of searching on mobile phones is different from doing so on, for example, an iPad.
  3. Mobile searches feature shorter search requests as well as regional return results. Meanwhile, Google's mobile keywords tool provides a good supporting role for how to select advertising keywords.
  4. The average search user's attention is limited, so mobile advertising should try to make the message as simple and clear as possible. Ads could contain clickable phone numbers and / or a map inside, which will help improve the CTR and conversion rate.
  5. The landing page the phone search clicks to should reflect one's conversion goals. For example, these pages can be optimized depending on whether or not one decides to allow the user to call the company, to download content, to watch videos or look at a map, etc.
  6. When putting up a new ad, the best start to implementing an aggressive bidding strategy is to accumulate a high-quality score. In the limited range of a mobile device's screen, it is extremely important to guarantee that one's ad is listed in the previous two ranks.

Mobile phone marketing technology must be consistent with how mobile phone users utilize their devices, and the technology must stay mature.

Desktop searches may continue to dominate the search market, but mobile search is a new field with many potentially different search intentions. It would be a loss from both the short-term and long-term perspective not to analyze the difference between these two search approaches.
