
"My Pain Feels Like…" - Pain Perception is as Individual as Pain Patients

Grunenthal GmbH
2013-10-08 20:00 2290

- A new website helps pain patients to better express and explain how their pain feels like

AACHEN, Germany, Oct. 8, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Pain can appear in many forms and affects people in different ways. One kind of long-lasting or chronic pain results from  a damaged nerve that sends incorrect pain messages to the brain. This pain is called neuropathic pain or nerve pain.

Over 26 million people worldwide suffer from neuropathic pain[1] but only 40-60% of patients achieve adequate pain relief.[2]

The majority, approximately 60%, of neuropathic pain is localised[3] (localised neuropathic pain, LNP) and is often described as a burning, shooting, lancinating, electric shock like.[4] But more frequently patients are trying to describe their pain in their own words by using their individual, often very pictographic language.

A correct and early diagnose is crucial to find the right treatment. Therefore patients need to describe their symptoms in as much detail as possible to their doctor.

At the new website patients find a questionnaire that helps them to describe in detail how their pain feels like, how it affects their life and where the pain is allocated.

"My pain feels like…" has been developed by Grunenthal GmbH in collaboration with the Montescano Pain School, Italy. For more information please visit

Source: Grunenthal GmbH